IDD, from Regulation to Supervision - 3 February 2022

In October 2019, PwC Luxembourg hosted a successful breakfast session where Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta, PwC Global Insurance Regulatory Leader, exposed the importance of placing Conduct Risk high on the "To-Do-List" of insurers and intermediaries.

This proved insightful, not only with the IDD already a year in at the time, but also with today's clearly stated objective by regulators to increase the scrutiny on conduct considerations, such as Commissariat aux Assurances' s priority for the upcoming months in respect of assessment of compliance with the rules of conduct by insurance companies and intermediaries in respect of the so-called IBIPs (insurance-based investment products).

The second installment of our Distribution Breakfast "IDD, from Regulation to Supervision" took place on 3 February 2022.

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Date & Location

Date: Thursday, 3 February 2022 

Location: PwC Luxembourg

Time:  8:30 - 11:00 including breakfast


09:00  Introduction
09:05 IDD key milestones and developments since 2018
09:15 EIOPA & CAA: Strategic Priorities for Supervision, an overview at EU and Luxembourg level
09:25 Conduct risk and supervision, a few key considerations
09:50 Mystery shopping: why it matters so much to regulators?
10:15 Key takeaways
10:30 To go further - Distribution and tax considerations: are they two separate topics?
10:50 Q&A and Closing

Contact us

Anthony Dault

Audit Partner, Insurance, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2380

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