
Let the Luxembourg infrastructure market leader accompany you in your journey of growth

Demand for infrastructure financing continues to increase as a result of the following major trends:

  • A shift towards sustainable infrastructure and new technologies as the number of renewable and clean energy projects announce increases by almost four-fold over the past decade. Simultaneously, rapid digitalisation has called for a reflective shift in global infrastructure networks – with ICT infrastructure being in need of constant modernisation and upkeep in order to keep pace with the ever-accelerating sophistication of digital technologies;
  • Widening infrastructure gaps worldwide, as surging public debt levels – coupled with infrastructure deficiencies highlighted by the pandemic – have rendered the current rate and scale of public investment to be vastly insufficient; and
  • Rapid urbanisation rates, the rise of megacities and legacy infrastructure challenges, will increase the need for infrastructure financing in the developing world. In the current turbulent macroeconomic conditions, with inflation and increasing interest rates, most asset classes are facing challenges while infrastructure assets provide an inflation hedge, showing resilience of the asset class and as such, protection to investors. The low correlation with the other asset classes, steady yields, strong strategic market position coupled with stable demand, is proving to be an attractive opportunity to investors.

At PwC Luxembourg, considering the growth of infrastructures funds (AuM) and in response to the above, we recognise infrastructure as an asset class and have formed a specialised dedicated team with various competences (advisory, valuation, tax, audit and ESG) in order to provide the foremost service to our clients and to further contribute to the development of the infrastructure industry in Luxembourg.

Why Luxembourg?

For many years, Luxembourg has been the location of choice for infrastructure asset managers to domicile their European investment platforms. However, in light of the potential consequences of Brexit, the change in the global tax landscape and the success of the Luxembourg limited partnership, the Grand Duchy is now the place to be for European and global infrastructure funds, leveraging the country’s vast experience and expertise in alternative investments and global fund distribution.


Our tax consulting practice has dedicated infrasturcture knowledge to ensure providing you with most appropriate fund set-up and transactions services that are customized to the needs of your industry and Investors and Management preferences. Please consult this page.

Staying updated with evolving regulations and get appropriate regulatory support (e.g., AIFMD, SFDR, AML/KYC…) to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operations. Please consult this page.

Establishing a robust operational framework including setting up offices and your AIFM, selecting services providers, hiring staff, and integrating technology. Please consult this page.

Looking at deversifying your funding resources? Our teams can assist you in the consideration of different debt instruments : listed debt, green bonds and others. Please consult this page.

Effectively marketing and distributing your funds across Europe, and beyond, by understanding local regulations, investor preferences, and leveraging distribution networks. Please consult this page.

Be ready to face cyber criminals and keep-up with evolving threats. Please consult this page.

Finding the right software and solutions for your business and implementing them. Leveraging Generative AI to boost your operations. Please consult this page.

Finding your valuation partner with most relevant and appropriate knowledge amongst the market, with specific knowledge in all type of infrastructure assets (including data centres, digital, renewables, utilities, transportation, and others). Please consult this page.

Setting-up most relevant audit solution which also includes controls review. Please consult this page.

Getting relevant insights and be supported by the most relevant market ESG specialists both on SFDR and CSRD reporting, (from readiness assessment by KPI reviews, to Limited Assurance reports). Please consult this page.

Who we are

Infrastructure client & market core group

Infrastructure client & market core group

We serve 8 of the 10 biggest Infrastructure Managers.

We are helping most of the infrastructure players with all types of investment vehicles and strategies, regardless of their size or notoriety. We have an extensive experience in contributing to our clients’ success at each stage of their infrastructure investments life. Our infrastructure team has over 100 experts from auditors, to accountants and advisors.


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Contact us

Emanuela Sardi

Alternatives Clients & Markets Co-Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 684

Pierre Mallet

Audit Partner, Clients & Markets Infrastructure Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 617

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