
Helping companies address the challenges brought on by the disruptive trends currently transforming the automotive industry.

Luxembourg, a business friendly environment for automotive suppliers

Located centrally in Europe, Luxembourg is the place from where all car manufacturers in Germany, France and the United Kingdom, as well as assembly lines in Belgium and Netherlands, can be supplied from Luxembourg on a same day delivery basis.

The economic development and diversification policy implemented by the Government encourages investment and research and thus fosters Luxembourg’s position in the automotive components and mobility industry. The country's highly competitive business environment is particularly positive for automotive suppliers.

How we can help

We have a dedicated team of professionals in audit, accounting, tax, IT, HR and finance effectiveness to help automotive companies meet their objectives and develop solutions tailored to their needs.

Our global automotive practice leverages its extensive experience in the industry to help companies solve complex business challenges with efficiency and quality. One of our practice's key competitive advantages is Autofacts®, a team of automotive industry specialists dedicated to ongoing analysis of sector trends.


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Contact us

Tal Ribon

Audit Partner, Industry & Public Sector, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 3472

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