Diversity and Inclusion

Respecting and valuing individual differences in the workplace.

We believe diversity is the representation of all the characteristics that make us both alike and unique.

Our backgrounds, cultures, nationalities, lifestyles, identities, opinions and beliefs, approaches to solving problems, ways of working, and views of personal and professional success, all add value to the services we deliver to our clients. All these parameters often influence, directly or indirectly, the quality and depth of our work and the customer experience we design and determine whether or not we are inclusive in our approach. 

Diversity is a fact, but its potential gets lost if we don’t work towards inclusion.

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Diversity@PwC Luxembourg

It does matter

Our objective is to nurture an inclusive environment where a diversity mindset is ingrained, and inclusion is the norm. We constantly focus on offering an environment where you feel welcomed and you can be your fullest self.

We are determined to put this diversity into action and create sustainable value. It starts by building the right culture: a place where all of us can experience the most positive interactions. It’s about developing our behavioural skills and complementing each other.

This way, we generate the collective value that our clients and society expect from us.

Our action plan is based on two principles:

We have adopted a data-driven approach that we systematically use in everything we do. It allows us to have concrete statistics that are discussed with the leadership and are used to put in motion our actions. 

This comes hand-in-hand with our Predictive Analytics programmes, which help us to anticipate how the future looks based on the current status of the firm, and what we can do to get where we want to be: a place of equity. With these two we can both raise awareness and prompt inclusive behaviors and actions linked to recruitment, retention and promotion cycles in the firm.

Our actions revolve around five pillars:

  • Accountability of leaders: A good and effective diversity strategy is one that starts at the top. From our CEO to our Partners, we have different commitments that involve taking decisions to ensure that our various committees are gender-balanced. In line with this, we're working to increase the percentage of women in the partnership, and propelling talents to key client accounts.
  • Awareness among our People and Leaders: PwC Luxembourg has a D&I Curriculum. Based on it, we have identified core modules per key role so as to build a solid foundation for a culture of inclusion, and to break down unconscious bias through training. We organise different events throughout the year (International Women's and Men's Day, Female Creative's exhibition, Orange week, Connected Women and Diversity Day, among others), to facilitate dialogue and to encourage discussion among our people and our stakeholders.
  • Pipeline of talents: To have a successful succession plan, we take special care in the way we recruit, promote and retain our talent. During recruitment fairs, we ensure a gender-balanced representation of our recruiters, and we welcome LGBTQ+ people too, who can join the SHINE group (our LGBT+ internal community). We monitor,through a gender lens, both our recruitment and promotion to ensure a balanced pool of candidates evolving to the top. Finally, we support our people after any kind of break from work with mentoring programmes to facilitate their return. 
  • Diversity in business: We can provide our clients with inspiring credentials that state our commitment to build a gender equal world and that are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals for the people and the planet. PwC Luxembourg also participates in My Pledge, an initiative that advocates gender balance among speakers at public events, bringing attention to the presence of female and male panelists in them. We are monitoring all of our internal and external events and calculating the gender ratio to recognise the achievement when a 50-50 balance is reached.

Discover our video "My Pledge by PwC Luxembourg"

  • External footprint:  Every year, we organise events and invite our stakeholders to be part of them. On a yearly basis, we gather more than 800 participants to celebrate and reflect upon different aspects of diversity. In full transparency, our Annual Review discloses the steps taken in our D&I journey, the achievements and challenges yet to be solved. Finally, we work hand-in-hand with university PhD students to advance research and reach a better understanding of the D&I dynamics. 


At PwC Luxembourg, we’re committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone can be themselves. This obviously also includes our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) people.

By participating in local pride parades, organising thematic conferences, celebrating key moments of the LGBT+ community movement and working hand-in-hand with the Luxembourg LGBT+ professional community, we commit to showing respect for sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Supporting LGBT+ inclusion isn’t just the right thing to do. An inclusive workplace enables us to embrace the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of all our people to create better outcomes for clients and society.

"Leaders need to be active advocates and allies for LGBT+ equality and inclusion. They can't hide from or ignore these issues – we must be loud in our support for LGBT+ colleagues." (Bob Moritz)

In Luxembourg, through our local network SHINE, we thrive to strengthen our presence in the LGBT+ community, increase awareness among our people, and offer information, support, and networking opportunities. 

It is now time to take action - let's join hands and continue together to make D&I a reality and truly demonstrate our commitment to LGBT+ inclusion, in Luxembourg, in Europe and around the world.

Women and Men Committee

The Women and Men Committee@PwC was created back in 2001. 

We are a think tank on gender social norms composed of engaged people coming from all backgrounds, generations, grades and Lines of Services.

Our goals are:

  • Monitoring gender representation at each level of responsibility.

  • Proposing actions to enhance our attractiveness and retention for female talents. 

  • Raising gender awareness among our workforce.

  • Supporting new parents when returning to work. 

  • Supporting women’s journey to leadership with active networking.

  • Collecting feedback, concerns and ideas.

  • Developing actions that benefit gender balance.



Marc Schernberg de Plata Acevedo, Shine Leader
Tel: +352 49 48 48 2142
Email: marc.schernberg@pwc.lu

Sidonie Braud, Women and Men @PwC Committee Leader
Tel: +352 49 48 48 5469
Email: sidonie.braud@pwc.lu

We're committed to a flexible approach to work that answers our employees' different realities and needs. This includes home-based working, partial time, flexi-time, remote offices (the first four are located in Oberpallen, Wemperhardt, Esch-Belval and Wecker) and other models for parents, employees pursuing additional education, career breaks or any other reason that requires flexibility.


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Contact us

Marc Schernberg de Plata Acevedo

Diversity and Inclusion Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 62133 21 42

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