Our Alternatives practice team, with over 650 experts, is the largest in Luxembourg. Its dedicated members are knowledgeable about the industry as a whole, and offer deep expertise in each of its six pillars: Private Equity, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Debt Funds, Hedge Funds and Venture Capital.
PwC Luxembourg is well-connected to the global PwC Network. With offices in 151 countries, and over 364,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services, at PwC we draw on our collective experience to serve global clients. We provide unique insights, industry-leading practices and informed perspectives.
Our indisputable leadership in alternatives is based on our expertise. We support our clients through every stage of the product life cycle - beginning to end, and provide all financial services (Tax, Assurance and Advisory) related to efficiently setting up, structuring and distributing funds for regulated and un-regulated entities.
Pierre Donis
Tax Partner and Authorised Manager of the PSF, PwC Regulated Solutions S.à r.l.
Tel: +352 62133 51 15