Private Equity

Luxembourg: The location of choice for global private equity fund managers in Europe

The Private Equity Market footprints in Europe
  • The Private Equity market annual return per year is expected to grow by 6.2% by 2027.*
  • European private equity fundraising is expected to climb to $144.5bn in 2028F from $112.7bn in 2023F, i.e. an annualised growth rate of 9.6%.**
  • Number of secondary funds raising capital quadrupled in 2024.***


*PwC Global AWM & ESG Market Research Centre
**2024 Preqin Global Report – Private Equity
*** Preqin Future of Alternatives 2028

Global PE AuM

Global PE AuM

Note: Data excludes funds of funds and secondaries - Source: PwC Global AWM and ESG Research Centre, Preqin, EFAMA

Who we are

PwC Luxembourg is the leading audit and advisory firm in Luxembourg, auditing almost 40% of assets under management by industry.

Private Equity client & market core group

Private Equity client & market core group

Auditors by Assets under Management Private Equity Funds*

Domiciled in Luxembourg


You need assistance with the design and implementation of your private equity funds, management companies, acquisitions of assets and other transactions in Luxembourg or Europe.

  • You need assistance with knowing where to market and distribute your funds across Europe and the world. Please consult our annual global fund distribution poster as a reference tool for asset managers, and promoters.
  • You need assistance with understanding the local regulation in the cross border distribution world. Please consult this document.

You need assistance with setting up your open-ended funds. Please consult this page.

You need help to understand and comply with the AML regulation – consult our 6 smarts videos around AML.

You need assistance with managing the legal, regulatory, accounting, reporting and tax compliance obligations at all levels of your private equity structure (investors, fund, holding vehicles and investments).

Go deeper in the subject at this link.

Staying updated with evolving regulations (e.g., DORA, AIFMD, SFDR, AML/KYC…) to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operations by this link and subscribe to our PE newsletter.

Be ready to face cybercriminals and keep up with evolving threats - consult this page.

Finding the right software and solutions for your business and implementing them. Leveraging on generative AI to boost your operations. Please consult this page.

Why Luxembourg?

  • Second largest investment fund centre in the world and first in Europe with total AuM over EUR 5Tn (H1 2023);
  • 57% of private capital raised targeting Europe was domiciled in Luxembourg in 2022*;
  • A stable, reputable and forward-thinking jurisdiction (AAA credit rating by the 3 main rating agencies.)
  • Diversified offer of financial products and services (Large range of different options and tools available to set up an alternative investment fund);
  • Transparent, predictable and neutral tax environment;
  • Highly international, in terms of origin of financial institutions and fund initiators, clients, population and workforce;
  • Strong expertise in operating cross-border alternative investment funds;
  • "One-stop-shop" solution - fund, manager (AIFM) and investment platform all in one jurisdiction;
  • Distribution to investors simplified with marketing passport and protection provided by the AIFM law.

Private Equity Newsletter


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PwC's Academy - Training

Alternative assets valuation and valuation oversight: private equity

Contact us

René Paulussen

Alternatives Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 385

Karim Bara

Alternatives Clients & Markets Co-Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 333 463

Valérie Tixier

Audit Partner, Clients & Markets Private Equity Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2107

Thierry Braem

Alternatives Tax Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 335 106

Kai Braun

Alternatives Advisory Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 085

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