Continuous learning

Continuous learning to drive sustainable business performance

Our people are our greatest asset and knowledge is their strength. Especially in a world where we are part of a fundamentally changing (business) environment⁠-where the nature of our work evolves continually, and where client and stakeholder needs and expectations are evolving as a result.

It is therefore imperative for us to gain new knowledge and learn new skills throughout our professional lives. Thus, continuous learning is a cornerstone of our corporate culture. It is the basis of solving important problems for our clients, it allows us to create shared value in society, it fuels our competitiveness and growth, and it attracts and retains talented employees. Learn about our continuous learning vision and strategy from our Learning & Development leader directly.

We look at learning from two perspectives: (1) Training our people, and (2) Sharing knowledge within our business environment.

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Continuous Learning

Learn about our continuous learning vision and strategy from our Learning & Development leader

Training our people

We encourage our people to constantly learn. The strategy is twofold: (1) to provide them with highly relevant learning content that keeps them on top of client needs and market trends, and (2) to offer the right training formats that fit their individual learning needs and preferences. 

Providing relevant training content

We need to ensure that all staff are kept updated with the latest market trends to anticipate and respond effectively to evolving client and stakeholder needs. We do both, providing technical trainings internally, and enabling our people to participate in external training events, seminars and workshops. We also grant financial support and time off for staff to acquire professional qualifications that are required for regulatory reasons.

It is not only "what" we do, but also "how" we do things that gives us the competitive edge. We therefore also make available to our people a variety of soft skills training.

All of our trainings are delivered by either our leaders, other experienced employees, our skilled in-house training staff, or external training providers.

FY 18 - 19

(Population size 2764)

Average days of  formal internal training days

International external training events, seminars and workshops (# of events attended)

Number of people that followed professional qualifications

Training hours delivered by PwC leaders and employees 

Partners:  7

Partners:  437

Partners: 3


Directors: 5

Directors:  264


Managers: 5

Managers: 270

Managers: 222


Staff: 5

Staff: 282 

Staff 545


Average:  5

Total: 1253

Total: 816


Offer the right training formats 

Our people expect to find the best content for their learning needs, and want to access it quickly, easily and whilst on the move. Individual learning flexibility is of the utmost importance, we therefore re-structured our training model this year. We converted many traditional classroom trainings into e-learnings and experiential learning, so that our people can learn at a convenient time in their preferred style. Classroom trainings are solely kept for strategic learning topics.

To keep up with evolving learning demands and pace, PwC has implemented a four-fold approach:

Provide training soon after promotion

Training is provided soon after promotions to ensure that our people are equipped to take on their new expanded roles.

Attend external events, seminars & workshops

We enable our people to attend external events, summits, workshops and seminars on the latest trends and innovative technology.

Coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring complements the learning events and embed the learning into everyday behaviour. An important element of development is the time and commitment shown by our leaders to provide training to staff.

Upgrade our Learning Management System

An important investment has been made in the new, innovative learning platform called ‘Vantage’. Launched at the end of June 2019, it provides access to both local and global PwC content, and takes cues from sites such as Amazon, Spotify and YouTube. It allows our learners to:

  • Search, across a variety of sources to find the best content for their needs

  • Receive personalised learning suggestions driven by AI 

  • Create and share playlists for learning, either for the individual themselves or a team leader curating assets for a team

  • Find learning based on the amount of time they have available to learn 

  • Track and record all of their learning experiences

The impact of Vantage on our continuous learning approach will be seen next year.

Learning curriculums to help build the workforce of the future 

We are living through a transformation in the way we work.  Digitalisation, the automation of tasks and systemic sustainability issues on an economic, societal and environmental level are fundamentally changing the way we do business. To meet this challenge we are enhancing the skills sets and capabilities of our people around these topics. Working towards a culture of knowledge innovation that fits the business models of tomorrow, we started to upskill and future skill our teams. We expanded our training offerings on topics such as data, project management and AI as well as a unique course that combines design thinking, technology and the customer experience which is run in our Experience Centre.

As digital technologies create new opportunities for us and for our clients, we are providing our people with the tools and skills to keep up with the fast pace of change. This is key to sustain our success now and in the future. Our digital upskilling learning opportunities include classroom based training and e-learnings. Moreover, we provide a Digital Fitness app that assesses our people’s current level of digital knowledge and provides information and training relevant to their needs and level of proficiency.

Digital Learning Pathways and courses

  • General Data Analytics
  • Data Analytics Tools and Development
  • Data Visualisation Tools
  • Data Governance
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Quality and Cleaning
  • Data Infrastructure

Additional learning opportunities

  • PwC Luxembourg Tech Talks podcast
  • Digital Learning Academy

Next to digitalisation, sustainability is a highly relevant topic to the future of our business. It is not delivered to our people as a one-off training event, but rather as sustained and continuous messaging across the major learning events within PwC.  Knowledge and awareness on this topic are incorporated right from the beginning of an employee’s life-cycle during the first week of a new associate joining and right through to Manager, Director and Partner training that we deliver. Moreover, we offer internal training on selected sustainability topics, such as ESG, Circular Economy, and GRI-compliant sustainability reporting. We also take into account sustainability for our firm, our people and for Luxembourg by encouraging our employees to attend external sustainability events and workshops in order to support and keep up to date with the latest developments and trends.

This material references Disclosures 102-44, 102-46, 102-47, 103-1, 103-2, 103-3, 404-1 and 404-2.

Contact us

Lieven Lambrecht

Managing Director, Head of Human Ressources, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 1