1st “Future of Asset Servicing” Conference - Building an ASP community in Luxembourg - 24 January 2023

On the 24th of January we organised our first ASP Event. We welcomed more than 100 people and had the opportunity to welcome many speakers from key players of the asset management industry and PwC Luxembourg, all around the topics of digitisation and automation, ESG collaboration and other challenges as well as whether asset servicing providers are ready to cope with these trends and challenges in the future?


14:00 - 14:30 Welcome coffee
14:30 - 14:35

Opening remarks

by Roxane Haas (PwC Luxembourg)

14:35 - 14:55

Future of Asset Servicing in Luxembourg

Keynote speech by François Genaux (PwC Luxembourg)

14:55 - 15:35

“Voice of the clients”: What do Asset Managers expect from Asset Servicing Providers and how are those expectations changing?

Panel discussion with Peter Veldman (EQT), Francesca Prym (UBS) and Sean O’Driscoll (GAM),  Moderated by Philippe Belche (PwC Luxembourg)

15:35 - 15:50

ESG for Asset Servicers. Are you ready?

Presentation by Frederic Vonner (PwC Luxembourg)

15:50 - 16:30

The views of local Asset Servicing Providers leadership

Panel discussion with David Sarfas (Intertrust Group Lux), Steve Bernat (ONE group solutions), Christopher Adams (BBH) and Mario Mantrisi (KNEIP)

Moderated by Edith Magyarics (PwC Luxembourg)

16:30 - 16:50 Coffee break
16:50 - 17:35

Case studies: Digitisation, automation and transformation at Asset Servicing Providers

Panel discussion with Olivier Portenseigne (Funds DLT), Pascal Morosini (i-Hub), David Michael Prendeville (Convera UK) and Semin Ibisevic (Next Gate Tech)

Moderated by Lionel Nicolas (PwC Luxembourg)

17:35 - 18:15

(Cross-sector) collaboration and co-innovation - are Asset Servicing Providers open to it and ready?

Panel discussion with Emmanuel Gutton (ALFI), John Parkhouse (PwC Luxembourg), Noel Fessey (Independent Director) and Melvin Goergen (Luxembourg Stock Exchange)

Moderated by Steven Libby (PwC Luxembourg)

18:15 - 18:30

Closing remarks

by Lionel Nicolas (PwC Luxembourg)

18:30 Drinks and networking

Words of our audience

During our first conference we asked our clients what a depositary should do within the context of the Sustainable Finance Regulation, and here are their responses: 

  • Data 
  • Depositary TOM

  • Partnerships

  • AML

  • Risk management

  • Cybersecurity

  • Innovation 
  • Standardisation

  • Talent

  • ESG

  • Regulation

  • Cost savings

  • Growth management
  • Consolidation

  • ATAD3

  • Processes

  • API

We also asked them what are the priority “hot topics” in their organisation’s agenda and here is their feedback:

  • Monitoring
  • Update

  • Supervise

  • Diligence

  • Investment
  • ESG

  • Compliance

A few words from Frederic Vonner to conclude:

"Sustainable Finance remains high on the agenda of ASP clients, with continuous concerns about evolving regulations, investors expectations, and ESG data availability; ESMA and CSSF expressed their expectations towards depositaries, to ensure they take into account the ESG ambitions expressed by the funds and their managers in the depositary oversight duties, esp. focusing on the investment restrictions area. Depositaries should thus challenge their existing risk assessment framework, to embed ESG consideration in their client acceptance and management processes, to ensure they are provided with relevant data on a regular basis allowing them to discharge their duties properly."

Frederic Vonner, Advisory Partner, Sustainable Finance & Sustainability Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Pictures of the event

24 January 2023
24 January 2023
24 January 2023

Contact us

Lionel  Nicolas

Lionel Nicolas

Advisory Partner, ASP Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4172

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