Alternatives forum - 9 June 2022

The new edition of our Alternatives forum will take place on June 9th 2022 and will focus on key market topics such as deals and valuation for Alternative Investments or operational implications in the Alternatives space.

Our experts will also provide you with the latest information on ATAD 3 and Pillar 2 and will give an overview of the current situation and the potential impacts for the alternative asset class.

PwC Securitisation Get-Together

Date & Location

The session will take place on Thursday 9 June 2022 from 10.30am - 12.30pm followed by a walking lunch (registration desk open as from 10 am CET).

Location: PwC Luxembourg - Crystal Park, 2 rue Gerhard Mercator, L-2182 Luxembourg



10.00 - 10.30 Welcome and registration
10.30 - 10.35 Introduction
Vincent Lebrun, Tax Partner, Alternatives Leader, PwC Luxembourg 
10.35 - 11.05 "Retailisation" of Alternatives and operational implications 
Kai Braun, Alternatives Advisory Leader, PwC Luxembourg
11.05 - 11.35 Deals and valuation for Alternative Asset Classes 
Talat Kadret, Alternatives Assurance Partner, PwC Luxembourg
Ramon Hoyos, M&A Corporate Finance Director, PwC Luxembourg
11.35 - 12.15 ATAD 3 and Pillar 2
Alina Macovei, Alternatives Tax Partner, PwC Luxembourg
Philippe Ghekiere, Alternatives Tax Director, PwC Luxembourg
12.15 - 12.30 Q&A session and Conclusion
As from 12.30 Walking lunch

Contact us

Vincent Lebrun

Tax Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 3193

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