Why we exist - our purpose, vision and values

Businesses, including our own, need to adjust to the changing world we live in. We need to realign our societal and economic systems by redefining business assumptions and principles so that businesses truly deliver for society and do so in a manner that builds trust. 

At PwC, we aim to do exactly that by being purpose led and values driven. Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems, which ultimately sums up our role beyond profit generation.

Our Vision 2020 – Leading in changing times by being the most relevant firm to our clients, our people and our communities – helps us stay true to our purpose while ensuring we make the right decisions to meet the needs of the changing world we belong to and the needs of our stakeholders. It is also a gentle reminder to continuously contribute to society more broadly, both as professionals and as a firm.

Our firm’s values – Act with Integrity, Make a Difference, Care, Work Together and Reimagine the Possible – complete the puzzle and form the very foundation upon which we perform and conduct ourselves. They guide us to behave and act in an appropriate manner, to do the right thing and work towards our purpose of building trust in society and solving important problems. Furthermore, our values underpin our Code of Conduct, which is our compass for the decisions we make on a daily basis.

Listen to what values our staff hold closest to their hearts and the reasons why.

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In May of this year, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Global PwC Chairman, Bob Moritz. While Moritz emphasised the importance of all values, there was one that resonates with him more, the value of Care. He believes that having a ‘duty to care’ and truly caring about our staff, our society and the way we treat one another is a key to success because it is one of the biggest opportunities that will allow us to move forward - whether that is individually or collectively as a firm.

Get a glimpse into Bob Moritz’ speech in this video.

This material references Disclosures 102-16 and 102-17.

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Bob Moritz - GRI

Get a glimpse into Bob Moritz’ speech and to discover what values our staff hold closest to their hearts and the reasons why.

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