Meet David Bonafini, a 17 year professional of PwC Luxembourg, who sees his journey from a junior developer in an IT company to a newly appointed partner as characterised by dedication and growth.
Beyond the office, he's a tennis enthusiast and music lover, having played the organ and the piano for many years, which he still does. He also likes diving (his favourite spot so far being in Egypt).
David is a supporter of AC Milan and fluent in Italian, which he says has helped him a lot in his career and with clients, and family holds a special place in his heart. He says he is comfortable where he is now, but can still wax nostalgic for a visit to his family’s home in Abruzzo, rediscovering his roots.
David’s outlook on life is one that has been shaped by his experiences, both personal and professional, and his desire for authenticity and meaningful connections. One of his most significant experiences was working on a social project, helping a school in Cambodia with database development as part of the PwC Luxembourg “My Project” initiative. And while he used to be a self-professed geek, he is less tech-focused now, cherishing the human connection and interactions that contribute to his remarkable journey thus far.
Pauline André
Director, Head of Marketing & Communications, PwC Luxembourg
Tel: +352 49 48 48 3582