15 December 2022 - The AM Monthly Briefing - WEBCAST

To date, the agenda of the session is the following:

  • Introduction (Claudia Schuppan, PwC Luxembourg)
  • SAQ and SR: lessons from the field and future evolutions (Michael Delano, PwC Luxembourg) 
  • Looking back at AML 2022 - Experience and Priorities (Birgit Goldak, PwC Luxembourg)
  • Regulatory Outlook 2023 (Olivier Carré & Frédéric Vonner, PwC Luxembourg)
  • Tax Update (Sidonie Braud, PwC Luxembourg)
  • Wrap up (Claudia Schuppan, PwC Luxembourg)

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AM Monthly Briefing December 2022 - AML Outlook 2023

PwC speakers

Frédéric Vonner

Advisory Partner, Sustainability, PwC Luxembourg

+352 49 48 48 4173


Michael Delano

Asset & Wealth Management Leader, Audit Partner, PwC Luxembourg

+352 49 48 48 2109


Sidonie Braud

Tax Partner, AWM Tax Leader, PwC Luxembourg

+352 62133 54 69


Olivier Carré

Deputy Managing Partner, Technology & Transformation Leader, PwC Luxembourg

+352 49 48 48 4174


Birgit Goldak

Risk Assurance Partner, AML Services Leader, PwC Luxembourg

+352 49 48 48 5687


Claudia Schuppan

Advisory Director, Regulatory & Compliance, PwC Luxembourg

+352 62133 62 17


Contact us

Michael Delano

Asset & Wealth Management Leader, Audit Partner, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2109

Serene Shtayyeh

Audit Partner, Asset Wealth Management, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2115

Aurélie Mertes

Marketing Manager, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 62133 57 21

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