The planet is reaching its limits, and the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change where more than a thousand scientists participate) established that global warming should stay below 1.5 degrees by the end of the century if we are to prevent climate impact from being just destructive to utterly catasphrophic.
The world needs to act, and it needs to act now. We all have to play our part. PwC can make an impact as a network, that is why our PwC Global Chairman, Bob Moritz, made a huge announcement for the Network: we’ve taken the Net zero commitment as a Global initiative, on top of aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Net zero refers to the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible and then balancing what’s left by removing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere. As a network, we will take a series of measures to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in line with Science Based Targets by 2030, before eliminating the remainder of our net emissions by proactively removing carbon from the atmosphere.
We are proud to say that here at PwC Luxembourg we began our sustainability journey a while ago and we’ve been acting on going net zero over the years. We started by doing a local analysis on our carbon footprint and we discovered that our main source came from commuting. Since 55% of our employees come from the bordering countries, the daily commute is the biggest challenge for us.
“Globally, we commit to reducing our emissions by 50% within a decade and from 2030, we will eliminate the remainder of our emissions by investing in carbon removal projects.”