As a socially responsible and inclusive firm, it is our duty to protect employment as much as possible in a complex and uncertain economic environment and to think about our People's engagement in the long term. We also need to ensure that we create a healthy and positive work environment for our Employees to thrive in Health. Our strong workforce is the critical success factor allowing us to provide our clients with the best services, creating financial and non-financial value that are essential for us and our clients.
People statistics
With over 3,000 people (as of January 2020) employed from 77 different countries, PwC Luxembourg is the largest professional services firm in the country.
Explore moreWe understand diversity beyond its usual definition, as it represents our ability to respect and value individual differences. Our diversity is our identity and a source of strength at the heart of our strategy, and you can see its reflection in everything we do. As in previous years, PwC remains determined to build a more gender equal world and remains focused on actions with a gender impact across all cultural, generational and ethnical backgrounds. We keep a global agenda that relates closely to three of the Sustainable Development Goals, specifically: Gender Equality (5), Decent Work and Economic Growth (8) and Reduced Inequalities (10) that resonate in the actions we take.
As a service firm, our business operations would not function without our employees. They are our key assets and they enable us to succeed on the market. It is our responsibility to ensure that our People have a meaningful and beneficial experience at PwC Luxembourg.
Our employee journey runs on a central theme: enabling our People with greater agility and confidence in a rapidly changing world. Workforce flexibility and agility expressed in a quality experience, making our employees fit with the right behaviours and skills, for the challenges today and the unknown of tomorrow.
Part of providing our Employees with the best possible people experience, is to ensure that they are healthy, both physically and mentally. Stakeholders expect commitments from organisations to care for the health of employees and to uphold their rights to adequate physical and mental well-being. In addition, it is being increasingly proven that companies who maintain high standards in health, safety and labour rights can improve employee productivity and operational efficiency. Working proactively in these areas of the business will help identify and mitigate risks.
The ability to learn, learn quickly and relearn, has never been more important than dealing with the changeability and complexity that all organisations are facing. Having high quality content, ready and available, across all learning modalities is not just part of learning strategy, but part of enabling business to maintain its edge, through ensuring staff that have the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver quality services to our clients.