Smart Identity and e-signature

Fast, secure and easy

In today's digital world, people want to be identified in an easy, secure and seamless manner. That could be your customers, employees or your contractors. By leveraging digital identity and cutting-edge technologies, such as biometrics, AI and blockchain, Smart Identity is the solution.

Smart Identity is meant to shape a new customer experience unlocking new business opportunities. Stopping someone for identification will be outdated and replaced by a seamless and personalised "walk-through" experience across the value chain.

Your Challenges

  • Are digital competitors disrupting your contact with your customers?
  • Do your customers (or employees, contractors, third parties) require faster and easier ways to interact with you (e.g. leveraging on facial recognition, iris, voice or fingerprints)?
  • Do you need to improve customer loyalty and reduce churn rates?
  • Do you need to better understand your customers' preferences and personalisation needs to enhance interactions?
  • Do you see an opportunity to provide additional easy and secure services (i.e. payments, shopping, content, car rental, hotel, etc)  to your customers?
  • Do you wish to change brick - and - mortar customer experience by knowing immediately who you are talking to?

How we can help: From Strategy to Execution

Our team of experts bring together the necessary technical and business skills required for a holistic and comprehensive approach:

  • Strategy, business case and roadmap,
  • Digital transformation and customer experience,
  • Biometrics and AI,
  • Data protection,
  • Feasibility and cost-benefit analysis,
  • Security and IT systems,
  • Build and deploy the solution.


Why PwC?

Independence: We are independent from technical providers and specific technological solutions.

Privacy by design: We design solutions from the start to comply with privacy requirements.

Proven expertise: We have extensive proven expertise in all the topics required to deliver such projects.

Accelerators: We have delivered such services before in similar context and have methodologies and deliverables ready to use.



Contact us

Philippe Pierre

Advisory Partner, Government & Public Services Leader, EU institutions Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4313

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