Securitisation in Luxembourg: A comprehensive guide

June 2023

The modernised Securitisation Law introduced in 2022 some small but very important adjustments, which further increased the flexibility and legal certainty of Luxembourg securitisation transactions, and undoubtedly helped the Luxembourg securitisation market to keep thriving.

In this guide, we present the basics of securitisation in general and in Luxembourg. We also cover the current and recurring hot topics: on the taxation front, more and more European and global rules are published, and the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive 1 (ATAD 1) is still an intensively discussed topic in various working groups of Luxembourg industry associations. Blockchain and the rise of ESG, as underlying trends that are reshaping finance in the broad sense, cannot but affect the securitisation market as well.

All these topics - and many more - are covered in the 12th edition of our reference guide for securitisation in Luxembourg.

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Key figures

European securitisation issuance (in bn EUR)

eu securitisation 3

European securitisation issuance by collateral type (in bn EUR)

eu securitisation 4

Euro area countries for securitisation

eu securitisation 1

Yearly evolution of Luxembourg securitisation vehicles

eu securitisation 2

Contact us

Holger von Keutz

Audit Partner, Securitisation Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2383

Markus Zenz

Audit Partner, Securitisation, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2647

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