PwC's Global Workforce Hopes and Fears Survey 2022

Survey of over 52 000 workers indicates the Great Resignation is set to continue as pressure on pay mounts.

As companies take on ambitious business and societal initiatives, understanding workplace power can help leaders energise their workforce, tap into the power of their people and accomplish bolder goals.

Global workforce divided as skilled workers assert their power:

  • Six out of ten respondents said they plan to ask for a raise, and one in five said they are extremely or very likely to switch employers in the next 12 months.

  • 65% of workers reported talking about social and political issues at work—and employees see positive benefits from engaging in these kinds of discussions—but only 30% of employees said their companies provide support to work effectively with people who share different views.

  • More than half of respondents say employer transparency about climate change and diversity is very important to them, but safety at work is still their biggest day-to-day concern.

  • Flexibility is important, as 62% of workers said they prefer some mix of in-person and remote work. Hybrid workers are also the most satisfied with their jobs (64% satisfied).

The Great Resignation will continue apace in the year ahead as one in five workers say they are likely to switch to a new employer in the next 12 months. That was a key finding from PwC’s Global Workforce Hopes and Fears survey of 52,195 workers in 44 countries and territories - one of the largest ever surveys of the global workforce. The survey finds that 35% are planning to ask their employer for more money in the next 12 months. Pressure on pay is highest in the tech sector where 44% of workers surveyed plan to ask for a raise and is lowest in the public sector (25%). 

While an increase in pay is a main motivator for making a job change (71%), wanting a fulfilling job (69%) and wanting to truly be themselves at work (66%) round out the top 3 things workers are looking for. Nearly half (47%) prioritised being able to choose where they work.

What is the situation in Luxembourg?

Some of our results might be a wake-up call. We’re excited to share with you soon the Luxembourg Hopes & Fears Survey Report. 

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Vinciane Istace

Advisory Partner, People Experience and Change Leader | People Process Outsourcing Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 112

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