Fit for Resilience

Helping Luxembourg's local businesses to reinvent themselves after the COVID-19 crisis in the context of Neistart Lëtzebuerg

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The COVID-19 crisis has hit businesses and organisations in general in unexpected ways, from a decrease or complete cessation of activity and cash flow and profitability difficulties associated with it, to reduced staff, severe supply-chain disruption and productivity reduction.

At a regional level, The European Commission has presented a plan for economic recovery.

Among several initiatives at a local level, Luxinnovation, with the support of the Ministry of the Economy, has launched  Fit 4 Resiliencewhose focus is on Luxembourg local businesses to reinvent themselves after the COVID-19 crisis. Any other larger enterprise interested in taking part in the programme can also apply.

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Fit for Resilience

The progressive resumption of activities is an opportunity for local businesses to review their strategic positioning, their development plans and their operations so they equip themselves with an action plan that can guarantee their sustainability and future resilience.

Fit 4 Resilience provides local businesses with solid professional technical assistance. By taking part in the programme, they can analyse and understand better new client needs as well as seize digital, sustainability and circular economy opportunities. 

PwC Luxembourg has been selected by Luxinnovation as a consulting firm to help Luxembourg local businesses. 

COVID-19 crisis is an opportunity for business reinvention and innovation

The Fit 4 Resilience Programme accompanies Luxembourg local businesses to assess: 
  • The overall situation of the business in a post confinement scenario

  • How the business has been impacted by the crisis from an internal point of view (workforce, culture, operations, leadership, communication, use of digital technology, among others.) 

  • The changes brought about by the COVID-19 crisis from an external point of view (market, competition, customer profiles, distribution or supply channels, etc.)

  • The business-recovery plan and how to make it work for future unexpected developments of the crisis. 

  • The short-medium-long-term impact of this crisis on the company's projects.

business reinvention and innovation
Fit 4 Resilience, the Methodology

Fit 4 Resilience, the Methodology

With Fit 4 Resilience, local businesses will be provided with an analysis and an action plan adapted to their context and needs. 

The approach consists of four stages, as follows: 

  • Internal and external analysis of the impact of the health crisis
  • Short and medium term action plan
  • Restitution of the analysis and the action plan to the company and Luxinnovation
  • Delivery of the final consultant report

Contact us

Laurent Probst

Advisory Partner, Industry & Public Sector, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: + 352 49 48 48 2199

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