Meet Antoine Marchon, who has no problem talking about his hobbies and personal interests. He is quick to say that his top priority is spending precious time with family and friends. Antoine would like to be more active in sports such as running, tennis and golf, and is open to any challenge involving these sports.
As a former CD and DVD store employee, he developed a passion for music and collecting various types of technology such as video games, of which he has an impressive collection. He admits at times he feels a bit out of touch with recent advancements like artificial intelligence. On the other hand, Antoine expresses nostalgia for the 1980s and 1990s, harkening back to the simplicity and freedom of his childhood.
As a product of the Greater Region himself, with its rich multinational landscape, and thanks to his extensive career with PwC, what he loves and is most proud of is the firm’s growth and diversity, working with people from different cultures and backgrounds, finding real value in the interactions and learning experiences. Life is a balance, and Antoine finds his joy in connecting with others and embracing a variety of interests.
Pauline André
Director, Head of Marketing & Communications, PwC Luxembourg
Tel: +352 49 48 48 3582