Within the European Union, the whole common VAT system is under review. Step by step, different areas of VAT (e. g. financial services, rates, VAT gap, VAT in the Digital Age) are being revised in order to implement a harmonised VAT system through a single EU VAT area. As a consequence of these fundamental reforms, the taxpayers will eventually face new occuring challenges. Countries outside of the EU are increasingly seeking to modernise their VAT system or implement a new one. In addition, court cases on the interpretation of legal texts and the application of VAT are multiplying.
Businesses that do not efficiently manage their indirect tax position face the risks of profit erosion, increased cash flow and compliance costs.
Our team can help you monitor and implement the legal changes in the simplest way, manage and mitigate your indirect tax position (VAT, registration duty, Insurance Premium Tax and Customs and Excise duty).