3W Watch Services

Your challenges

The regulatory and tax landscape is rapidly evolving. Various sources flood you with a huge amount of information in relation to changing rules. 

  • How do you timely identify relevant upcoming changes in rules in this flood of information?
  • How do you filter the noise and find meaningful updates, removing advertisements, spam, outdated and irrelevant content?
  • How do you find experts for sharing views on these developments and how they are relevant to you?
  • How do you prepare reports giving a synthetic view on key upcoming regulatory and tax changes?

We have created an efficient online platform that offers dynamic data on regulatory, tax and fund distribution changes, collected across key European jurisdictions and abroad: the 3W platform. "3W" stands for Tax Watch, Regulatory Watch and Fund Distribution Watch and provides users with up-to-date information on regulatory and tax changes, as well as fund distribution and fund registration requirements.

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Introducing the 3W platform

What is in for you?

  • Rapid update as soon as a news is identified
  • Automated filtering of news relevant to your activities only
  • PwC expertise provided on technical topics
  • Wide country coverage in terms of countries
  • Wide topical coverage with regard to your activities in Luxembourg, which in addition to the common tax and regulatory topics, also covers accounting rules, labour law, corporate law, data privacy and many other  
  • Compliance calendar on key regulatory and tax events relevant to your Luxembourg operations

Key features of the platform

  • Promptly spreads regulatory and tax News
  • Concise Articles drafted by us and attached to the most important News highlighting what is new and what shall be anticipated 

  • A calendar gathering the key upcoming regulatory and tax deadlines

  • Easy navigation: News and Articles are classified as Tax, Regulatory or Fund Distribution Watch by Territory, Topic, Issuer, Document Type and Date/Period, allowing you to filter the news relevant to your activities and to conduct further search for a particular document

  • Reporting: All News, Articles and Events in the calendar, can be extracted in a consistent excel or word document 

  • Weekly newsletter tailor-made to user’s preferences: users can receive a periodical email including our publications on the 3W platform

Your integrated watch services

Fund Distribution Watch

If you manage cross-border UCITS and/or AIFs, the Fund Distribution Watch module can help you to understand the numerous regulations in your target jurisdictions, keeps you informed about the latest developments, and assists in understanding the impact of new requirements in order to quickly identify issues that may be relevant to your fund distribution business.  

The platform is an efficient web-based solution that supports your distribution oversight functions, to monitor the updates of fund distribution regulations and mitigate related risks. It is a must-have digital platform enabling you to remain on top of evolving regulations and requirements, assisting you in remaining compliant in the various countries where business activities are carried out.

The platform covers more than 30 countries worldwide, and incorporates several hot topics, including the new EU Cross-Border Directive & Regulation, ESG/SFDR developments, post Brexit procedures, and the latest evolution of the fund distribution regulations in Asia and other emerging countries. The database also provides regular Flashnews updates, on a country-by-country basis, for updated regulatory reporting requirements, regulator fee changes, and any other pertinent changes.  


Christophe Saint-Mard - Partner, Global Fund Distribution
+352 49 48 48 2134

Robert James Glover - Partner, Global Fund Distribution
+352 49 48 48 4457

Regulatory Watch

Our Regulatory Watch module keeps banks, asset managers and asset servicers informed about recent developments in laws and regulations relevant to them.

We are monitoring multiple local, EU level and international data sources in order to cover a wide scope of topics. Those include financial as well as non-financial sector specific regulations and related draft and final documents.

We complement our online platform with tailored services that we would be pleased to present to you upon request.


Xavier Balthazar - Advisory Partner
+352 49 48 48 3299

Tax Watch

Our Tax Watch module keeps assets managers and assets services providers informed on the latest developments in the tax area. It helps you to keep up to date on new tax regulations, to understand the impacts of new requirements and quickly capture tax issues that may be relevant to the four pillars of the tax function in the Asset and Wealth Management industry:

  • Investor taxation
  • Fund taxation
  • Group/Management company taxation
  • Assets taxation

The platform is an efficient solution that helps the tax function to oversee tax updates and mitigate related risks. It is a must have for the tax function to monitor compliance with the tax duties and obligations in the various countries where business activities are carried out.

The platform covers more than 30 countries and includes news related to OECD or EU developments such as BEPS or DAC6, VAT updates, local tax reporting requirement updates, changes affecting funds, assets or investors taxation... The "Alerts" and "Articles" are stored in a library and can be easily retrieved by keyword, topic, country, issuer or publication period and can also be exported into Excel or Word reports.


Sidonie Braud - Tax Partner
+352 49 48 48 5469

Sylvain Di Graci - Director
+352 49 48 4 48 2748 

Contact us

Xavier Balthazar

Advisory Partner, Asset Management, Regulatory & Compliance, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 3299

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