Complaint Policy of PwC Regulated Solutions S.à r.l.

The quality of our services and the protection of our clients’ interest is core for our business. Therefore, your comments are very important for us, irrespective of whether they are positive or not, and we encourage you to share them with us. In this respect, the management of customer complaints is not only a regulatory requirement but also very important to us as part of the client experience.

A customer complaint is any statement by which a customer expresses dissatisfaction with our services or our employees. If you have such a complaint, please contact us. Very often, complaints can be dealt with in direct communication on the phone. But depending on the situation, it might be easier to handle such complaint in written form.

We invite you to file your complaint to the following address:

PwC Regulated Solutions S.à r.l.
Pierre Kirsch
2, rue Gerhard Mercator
B.P. 1443
L-1014 Luxembourg
Fax:  +352 494848 - 2934

Please include in your complaint a brief description of the circumstances, your name, address and other contact details. We will deal with your complaint immediately and try to agree with you on a solution.

If we are unable to give you an immediate response, for example due to complexity or missing information, we will send you a confirmation of receipt within ten working days and a written reply within one month after receipt of the complaint. If an answer cannot be given within this period, we will inform you about the causes of the delay and indicate the expected date for a final response.

If you are not satisfied with the response given by us with respect to a service provided by the PSF, you may use the procedure for out-of-court complaint resolution of the competent Luxembourg financial supervisory authority Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”). In this case, your complaint must reach the CSSF no later than one year after the submission of your claim to us.

You may submit your complaint to the CSSF by mail, fax or email:

Commission de Surveillance de Secteur Financier
Département Juridique CC
283, route d’Arlon
L-1150 Luxembourg

Fax: +352 26251 - 601

Click here for more details

Contact us

Pierre Kirsch

Tax Partner and Authorised Manager of the PSF, PwC Regulated Solutions S.à r.l.

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4031

Pierre Donis

Tax Partner and Authorised Manager of the PSF, PwC Regulated Solutions S.à r.l.

Tel: +352 49 48 48 5115

Camille Perez

Tax Partner, PwC Regulated Solutions S.à r.l.

Tel: +352 62133 46 18

Isabelle Lombet

Director and Authorised Manager of the PSA, PwC Regulated Solutions S.à r.l.

Tel: +352 62133 26 56