How we can help

We offer an extensive range of services centring on the following key domains:

Strategy & Change Management

We carry out a variety of assignments for different kinds of clients, including European institutions, national and local governments as well as health administrations. In so doing, we have developed expertise in addressing general strategic issues, whether it is the development of strategic plans or models for sectorial and territorial development or supporting the compliance of administrations with new regulatory contexts.

In addition, we have gained extensive experience in addressing change and operational management. We help public sector clients - whether they are transnational organisations or national bodies - adapt to regulatory or environmental changes that could impact their work, set up clear operational processes and improve their services.

Information Technology

We have developed knowledge and skills on Information Technology (IT) issues through a large variety of projects. We provide IT consulting services to all types of public organisations - international (e.g. EU Institutions), national (e.g. ministries) and local (e.g. local governments or hospitals). We have set up IT strategies and roadmaps as well as "e-tax", "e-parliament", "e-customs" and "e-health" programmes; we have worked with CIOs to improve the performance of their IT organisation; we have designed software and telecom architectures and we have assessed and improved the security posture of our clients. Hence, our range of skills goes from IT architecture to IT security, including IT service management.

People & Training

Over the past years, our teams have developed high-level training skills focusing on the needs of public sector stakeholders and capacity building. We provide training services - in the form of workshops, e-learning courses or case studies - concerning specific public issues, such as public finance and investment or regulatory and treasury issues. To foster capacity building, our public sector clients also take advantage of our training programmes on management and soft skills, such as team building and management, project monitoring, conflict, crisis and change management, as well as human resources management. Our clients are European institutions, central and local governments, as well as public agencies across the European Union.


Our teams combine financial, economic and technical skills for addressing the sustainability concerns of European institutions, governments or other organisations. We are advisers for the “European Energy Awards” initiative which has been specifically developed to help cities reduce their environmental impact and improve energy efficiency. Our team also specialises in environmental certification of buildings using different standards and has worked on a number of certifications for new buildings of the European institutions. Moreover, we conduct specific impact assessments and studies regarding sustainability issues, such as CO2 emissions assessments and Life Cycle Assessments / Life Cycle Cost Analysis of products.

Risks, Controls & Governance

Our teams run risks, controls and governance projects, mainly for European institutions but also for other public sector clients such as central banks or universities. Our areas of expertise cover (internal or external) risk analysis and risk assessment, as well as more general governance issues. For instance, we have worked to identify and mitigate the principal risks linked to the management of the construction of new premises for a European institution. We have considerable experience of risk mapping and we have developed frameworks to comply with better control and governance practices, risk management training courses (COSO 2013, Internal Control and Risk management, Governance) and risk assessments of critical processes. In addition, we have reviewed internal cost models and associated risks for specific public clients.

Policy studies & Evaluations

We mainly conduct studies for European institutions, national, regional and local governments, universities or the development agencies of third countries. In doing so, we address issues such as capacity building, business strategy development for European institutions, economic impact of a specific industry on a national economy, as well as feasibility studies and impact assessments. In addition, we carry out ex-ante, mid-term and ex-post evaluations for EU-funded territorial development programmes (inside and outside the European Union). We have also developed an ex-ante assessment methodology for the use of Financial Instruments.

Financial Instruments

Financial instruments are innovative policy tools which aim to leverage private funding sources in order to reach public policy objectives. We provide European institutions as well as national and local governments with different kinds of services in this field. For instance, we have carried out studies on the implementation of JESSICA and JEREMIE financial instruments in specific geographic areas and provided advisory services to a JESSICA holding fund on State Aid, on AFMA services for SMEs. In addition, we have produced guidelines and recommendations for the use of holding funds and urban development funds, and have also set up a technical assistance platform for the use of Financial Instruments across the European Union.

Regional Innovation Ecosystems

Having a sustainable, innovative and competitive industrial base, mainly comprised of SMEs, is a main concern of governments at regional, national, EU and global level to ensure sustainable economic development.

Through a variety of projects, we have helped public sector clients develop "Smart Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS3)" - a requirement EU Regions must meet if they want to be eligible for European Funds. Our capabilities are based on the diagnostics and analysis of regional ecosystems including industrial, scientific, cultural, and regulatory aspects as well as business support services such as clusters, innovation agencies, incubators and accelerators.

This has been achieved through several European level assignments where we mapped newly emerging industries and diagnosed the state of regional ecosystems to develop RIS3 (European Cluster Observatory), identified business innovation trends (Business Innovation Observatory) and conducted econometric and SME policy analyses (SME Annual Performance Review). We have also defined critical success factors and key performance indicators for clusters (Regional Biotechnology). As PwC's Accelerator, we have also developed specific solutions to boost SME growth and financing.

Territorial & Economic Development

Providing advisory services for territorial and economic development is part of our core activities at national, regional and local government level. For example, we have carried out economic studies on the development of both metropolitan and cross-border areas. We have also assisted public entities in setting up regional development plans and addressing thematic challenges within the framework of European structural funds programming. In addition, with PwC’s global network, we address territorial and economic development issues in developing countries.

Audit, Internal Audit, Fraud & Investigation

Audit & Control

Our teams run a number of audit-related assignments for public sector clients, whether for European institutions or governments inside and outside the European Union. The audit tasks we usually run for them include internal audit services either in a co- or in- sourcing mode, examination of processes and activities to make sure that appropriate financial and operational controls are in place, and prevention of the associated risks. We are performing as well Quality Assurance review of internal audit functions. Our public audit services also consist of control and verification of EU-funded expenditures and of checking expenses for EU bodies. In addition, we provide central and local governments with support in the management of their budget and help public sector clients to comply with new regulations. To do so, we have created and put in place compliance monitoring databases.

Fraud & Investigation

In addition to our audit and control assignments, we provide services regarding fraud and investigation issues, mainly in the form of studies. For instance, we have run a study on the misuse of European funds by organised crime and another one on the existence of conflicts of interest within the European institutions.

Contact us

Philippe Pierre

Advisory Partner, Government & Public Services Leader, EU institutions Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4313

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