Blockchain and Crypto-Assets Experience Day

Leverage blockchain & crypto-assets for your business

PwC's Experience Day is a journey of co-creating innovative solutions to actual business problems you are facing.

We use design thinking and agile methodologies, and leverage our functional expertise to help your team solve business problems in new ways, challenge the status-quo and, with it, the industry you operate in.

The programme gathers together our high-potential subject experts who bring in different perspectives, expertise and skills regarding strategic problems to your long term goals and who will position your organisation as an industry leader.

Blockchain is a tamper-proof distributed ledger of validated and cryptographically secured transactions linked by algorithms.

It is associated with benefits such as: reduction of costs, complexity, and fraud; strengthened alignment through shared, trusted transactions; improved audit trail, transparency; and enhanced security and data integrity.

Crypto-assets are a key application of this general purpose technology and translate the concept of value in the digital world, providing new ways of transacting and transforming business and operating models.

No matter your level of maturity on these topics, we will help you gain a solid understanding of their potential impact on your business and what you can do about it through a fourfold approach:
  • Review misconceptions and make sense of the noise so that you have a clear understanding of the technology potential and benefits;
  • Discuss opportunities and current threats of engaging with the technology;
  • Brainstorm on your existing and expected business challenges through the blockchain and crypto-assets lens so as to identify potential matches;
  • Identify your key next steps to kick-off a potential transformation journey.

The outcomes of such a programme 

  • Have a clear understanding of the topics and their potential impact on your business;  
  • Define ecosystem challenges that blockchain and crypto-assets could potentially address;
  • Identify opportunity areas;
  • Evaluate and prioritise those opportunities as business-led hypotheses;
  • Determine who in your value chain/segment offers the highest value to support engagement for business and technical validation.

Contact us

Gregory Weber

Managing Director, Experience Center Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 6175

Thomas Campione, CFA

Advisory Director, Blockchain & crypto-assets Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 62133 50 93

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