The SFDR Barometer for Management Companies

We are delighted to present our first SFDR Barometer for Management Companies.

This publication aims at providing insights on current market practices and ESG-related commitments for Management Companies in Luxembourg.

It focuses on four areas:

  • The size and the dynamics of the market;
  • ESG product strategy including commitment to Taxonomy and Sustainable Investments;
  • ESG data sources;
  • Preparation of ESG reporting and audit.
The Luxembourg ManCo SFDR

SFDR Classification Breakdown by the Type of Licence

All UCITS ManCos and Super ManCos manage at least one Article 8 Fund, while the proportion drops to 50% for AIFMs. Overall, more than 50% of the respondents manage at least one Article 9 Fund.

The Luxembourg ManCo SFDR Barometer

Proportion of ManCos planning to upgrade at least one Fund

75% of UCITS ManCos plan to upgrade Funds from Article 6 to Article 8.

The vast majority of ManCos are planning to upgrade Funds from Article 6 to Article 8 while a limited number of them are considering similar upgrades from Article 8 to Article 9 Funds.

The Luxembourg ManCo SFDR graph c

Proportion of ManCos managing at least one Fund with Taxonomy Commitment

60% and 65% of AIFMs and Super ManCos manage Funds with Taxonomy Commitment.

AIFMs and Super ManCos tend to have more frequently commitments to Taxonomy alignment than UCITS ManCos. As expected commitments are more frequently seen in Article 9 Funds.

The Luxembourg ManCo SFDR graph b

Sustainable Investment Commitment of Article 8 Funds

70% of Article 8 UCITS Funds commit to making Sustainable Investments.

70% of Article 8 UCITS commit to make Sustainable Investments as per Article 2(17) of the SFDR while only 43% of AIFs do so.

The Luxembourg ManCo SFDR graph e

PAI Consideration of Article 9 Funds

81% of UCITS Article 9 Funds consider all PAIs.

81% of ManCos managing UCITS Article 9 Funds consider at least all mandatory PAIs, while this figure drops to 44% for ManCos with AIFs.

The Luxembourg ManCo SFDR graph D

ESG data sources used by ManCos

41% of ManCos use more than 2 ESG data sources.

59% of respondents use not more than 2 different ESG data providers.

The Luxembourg ManCo SFDR Barometer

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Contact us

Frédéric Vonner

Advisory Partner, Sustainable Finance & Sustainability Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4173

Geoffroy Marcassoli

Audit Partner, ESG Assurance Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 5410

Bertrand Jaboulay

Audit Partner, Management Company Observatory Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2198

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