Luxembourg Alternative Investment Toolbox

Luxembourg, the right place for your alternative investment funds

For many years, the Grand Duchy has been the main European centre for investment funds, second to the US only. The country is also equipped, from a regulatory and legal standpoint, to address the growing investors’ focus on alternative investments, and is now one of the main alternative investment fund centres, attracting global investors and asset managers.

A large range of choices

The Luxembourg alternative investment toolbox proposes a large choice of regulations and legal forms. Understanding their key features and ensuring they fit yours and investors' needs is critical.

Source: RCSL RAIF official list, status at 31 January 2022, PwC analysis

Source: RCSL RAIF official list, status at 31 January 2023, PwC analysis

Source: RCSL - Statistiques de dépôt, PwC analysis

Source: RCSL - Statistiques de dépôt, PwC analysis

Contact us

René Paulussen

Alternatives Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 385

Vincent Ball

Alternatives Assurance Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 254

Karim Bara

Alternatives Clients & Markets Co-Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 333 463

Thierry Braem

Alternatives Tax Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 335 106

Emanuela Sardi

Alternatives Clients & Markets Co-Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 684

Kai Braun

Alternatives Advisory Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 621 332 085

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