Assess your reputational risks

Crisis Monitoring

The Situation

The client, a European bank, was facing a challenging situation in the context of an internal data leak. The client had caught the leak and wanted to prepare its crisis group for when the information was going into the public domain where it could significantly affect customer perception and degrade the bank’s reputation. Therefore, the Digital Intelligence Services team started to monitor media mentions prior to the release of the first news story and then tracked how and where the news spread, key influencers and ultimately assessed the potential reputational damage.

What we did

Within 24 hours of the incident, the monitoring service was activated to catch any mention of the client’s brand on news sites, blogs, forums, or within social media postings. Several indicators were extracted from the platform to monitor the leak:

  • Proportion of results related to the leak compared to mentions of the bank unrelated to the leak
  • Geographic distribution of the leak results
  • Influential authors and demographics of audience discussing the leak
  • Breakdown by media type

Then, a real-time dashboard was constructed along with volume alerts to notify the client when the incident was reported on and enable client to review the posts immediately, evaluate potential risks, and quickly respond or react, if necessary.


  • Identifying key countries, influencers, media outlets and demographics to help the company to focus its efforts on specific target areas.
  • Enable to client to make more informed decisions and respond, react, or interact with their users more effectively and strategically during a crisis.

Contact us

Benedikt Jonas

Advisory - Strategy& Managing Director , PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 62133 61 02

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