Upskilling our People

Future-proofing our firm for the uncertainties of tomorrow begins with preparing our People for the transition. Upskilling through active learning and development programmes was a major focus in FY22. We have invested heavily in training our workforce, focusing on ESG-specific skills as well as digital transformation skills that are fundamental to preparing ourselves and our clients for the future business transition.

We have complemented these technical skills with client management and business acumen dimensions.

The upskilling Your Tomorrow programme continued for its third year, providing skill training. The year 2022 was dedicated to business skill development and offering specific programmes like 'Active Business'. We reimagined our leadership model this year, where leadership skill development was emphasised at all levels of the organisation.

65% of employees in our firm believe these engagements or projects align with their career interests and goals (up 8% from the previous year). This percentage from the 2022 GPS also increased by 8 points from 2021.

Soft leadership skills like relationship building, networking and employee empowerment were emphasised in the programme. It was directed towards leaders of all genders and backgrounds, aiding in the effort to diversify not only our workforce but also leadership at every level. 

We want our leaders to be effective, diverse and inclusive. In the programme, they are provided with the skills needed to perform successfully and advance in leadership roles, dedicating as much as four to eight hours to the programme. To ensure a prosperous future, sourcing new and younger leaders and evolving them in the leadership pipeline is important to our growth.

Contact us

John Parkhouse

Audit Partner, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2133

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