Monitoring our talent pipeline across genders
In FY22, we continued to apply a data-driven approach and implemented a promotion dashboard, deployed during our promotion decision process.
Looking through the dashboard this year, we see that we have an overall ratio of 55 % men and 45 % women at the firm. Furthermore, 21% of the women and 26% of the men, out of the employees that were eligible for the evaluation cycle, were promoted to the next grade. This translates to a total of 564 individuals promoted throughout the firm. Even though the ratio in promotions varies by small percentages (between 3% and 9%, to the detriment of women), we still see that for certain positions, like senior manager (10% of women against 22% of men), the gap continues to exist. We could say that while the tool is doing its job by minimising the gaps in promotions, we note that the biases take refuge in the highest positions and demand more continuous action to eliminate them.
Measuring our Gender pay gap
Health checking our remuneration in terms of gender equity is a commitment we began several years ago. Every two years we perform a granular gender pay gap analysis using Logib, the Minister of Equality between Men and Women's standard analysis tool, enabling employers to conduct their own equal-pay analysis.
This year, the analysis indicates that the gender pay gap, i.e. differences in salaries, has increased from -0.3% to -1%. It is not a massive trend but we are focusing on actions to contain and reverse this evolution.
To put these results in perspective, the 2021 edition Eurostat report shows that in 2020, women’s gross hourly earnings were on average -13% below those of men in the EU. The smallest gender pay gap was measured in Luxembourg (-0.7%).
*when minus, it is to the detriment of women
Nurturing a culture of inclusion
Another action in terms of awareness, we launched two new states of the art I&D training:
Inclusive Mindset Badge: A PwC global network initiative that our firm helped create and develop. We want our People to acquire new competencies and soft skills that can help lead to a more inclusive workplace. This certification programme covers topics such as biases, microaggressions, allyship and more.
Shining through our diversity: A LGBT+ dedicated training where our People can discover the world of LGBTQAI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and agender), learn the meaning of each of these letters and open the door to the world of inclusiveness. This training explains why it is important to talk about this topic at the workplace, why we need allies and how to become one.
We are thankful to our People for embracing their role in I&D and recognising that it matters for all of us.