Our engagements with our stakeholders

Our stakeholders are a key part of our business and it is highly important to us to continue engaging with them all.

How we engaged with our people this past year

Surveys are one of the main forms of engagement we use with our people to collect their views, opinions and feedback. They help us measure our progress, highlight challenges that remain and identify actions that need to be undertaken. The annual Global People Survey (GPS), in particular, allows us to obtain insight from our staff on two of our priority sustainability topics, namely Ethics and Health & Wellbeing. 

In addition, firm-wide calls (Connecting With You) led by our CEO, John Parkhouse, have been organised on a regular basis since we had to switch to a fully remote working format last year. While our offices have now reopened, the Connecting With You sessions allow us to both engage with our people and the “délégation du personnel”  throughout the year on key topics, and ensure that connectivity remains between the PwC teams.

How we will engage with our stakeholders on our new sustainability strategy

Engaging with our stakeholders is a critical aspect of redesigning our sustainability strategy. Since having decided to align with the WEF-IBC 21 core metrics, we also need to adapt the way we conduct our business and will have to engage with our stakeholders on the basis of these new terms and objectives. 

Our stakeholders will help us identify and prioritise which of the 21 core WEF-IBC metrics are material for PwC Luxembourg. We therefore plan to conduct engagements with all our stakeholders, from our Partners, to our people, to our clients, to regulators as well as with the broader community, for example. This multi-stakeholder exercise will be monitored by the SUSTAIN@PwC committee. 

Contact us

John Parkhouse

Audit Partner, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 2133

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