Kenny Panjanaden, Assurance Partner

Meet new partner, Kenny Panjanaden, family man. He loves to spend time with his wife, Sarah, and two football-crazy sons. He is interested in a variety of things—politics, sports, and food, with a particular affinity for Italian cuisine—and likes to challenge himself by attempting to recreate recipes.

Kenny has been working at PwC since 2015, with prior experience in Mauritius. Professionally, he is particularly proud of the initiation of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) working group in Luxembourg where he had the opportunity, under the mentorship of a passionate leader, to create awareness in the country of the importance of capturing climate risks and opportunities for every organisation. He recently extrapolated on this experience to co-build a team from scratch to build trust on non-financial reports for players of the Financial Sector in Europe.

Personally, Kenny finds great satisfaction in mentoring others as he is an avid believer of giving back what his incredible mentors did for him. He also has an innate ability to make connections quickly, a valuable skill in his work. 

Making a difference clearly matters for Kenny, both professionally and personally, and he aligns his philanthropy with his beliefs. If he had a magic wand, he would use it for causes that are close to his heart, i.e. the eradication of poverty, easing education access to girls where this is unfortunately not yet the case, and obviously climate change.

Kenny Panjanaden
Get in touch with Kenny

Contact us

Pauline André

Director, Head of Marketing & Communications, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 3582