Asset Service Providers (ASPs)

Pioneering solutions, insights, and thought leadership to shape the future of asset service providers in Luxembourg and beyond

Join the ASP Hub - "ASPace" for the ASP Community

Please sign up to contribute to and enjoy this new way of collaboration and information exchange.

Join the ASP Hub - "ASPace"

Discover the ASP Hub - "ASPace"


What is PwC’s commitment?

The ASP sector plays a crucial role in the Luxembourg financial services ecosystem, yet there is currently a lack of dedicated spaces for accessing relevant information, raising one's voice, and exerting influence. We are committed to bridging this gap by creating a vibrant community that fosters promotion, representation, and evolution of the sector.

Our goal is to establish a dynamic community where ASPs can connect, collaborate, and collectively tackle challenges. By providing a dedicated space, we aim to empower professionals in the ASP sector to thrive and contribute to its growth in Luxembourg. We are dedicated to equipping our community members with the necessary resources, tools, and support to ensure their success.

Moreover, our commitment extends beyond just creating a platform. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive resources, curated information, and access to industry experts, all aimed at enabling our community members to stay informed and ahead of the curve. By offering valuable resources, we strive to foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development within the ASP community.

Why should you join the community?

  • Collaborate with other industry players:
    • Exclusive member-only platform for secure collaboration for everyone to raise their voice and shape the ASP sector in Luxembourg;
    • Debate important issues;
    • Share common themes;
    • Option to join a working group and solve important sector problems;
    • Help promoting the sector.
  • Industry information one-stop shop:
    • Exclusive access to thought leadership pieces;
    • Access to a wealth of information in one place;
    • Events: be aware of and attend great events for the community.
  • … & it is free!

How can you participate?

As a member of this community, you are invited to participate by submitting content, such as case studies, success stories and best practices; by simply asking a question to the community or by commenting on content and questions sent in by others. You may also participate silently by following updates, reading the blog and offering a gentle “thumbs up” here and there. Once you are a member, your level of participation is at your own discretion and we will be excited to have you as a part of the community!

What do we do? What do you do?

The ASP community contains a wide variety of firms and players on the financial market and yet, they often face the same challenges, which makes it very useful to work together and help each other.  As members of the community, you will have the opportunity to benefit from each other’s input, contribute to it and help shape the future of peer-to-peer interaction.

PwC will provide the platform to collaborate and share, manage memberships and accesses. We will lay out rules of conduct, ensure that they are being followed by all members and intervene if not. We will collect relevant content, also from external sites to make sure that you will find all up-to-date information within the community space. Otherwise, we will assist when asked to do so.

Asset Service Providers (ASPs) represent a significant part of Luxembourg's financial ecosystem. Banks, Professionals of the Financial Sector (PSF), Managed Service Providers, Fintechs/Regtechs and Management Companies. With their unique characteristics and challenges, ASPs deserve the attention and the focus on them as a dedicated community.

The ASP landscape:

  • Banks
  • Professionals of the Financial Sector (PSF)
  • Management Companies
  • Managed Service Providers
  • Fintechs / Regtechs

Industry themes in ASP (non-exhaustive)

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Contact us

Lionel  Nicolas

Lionel Nicolas

Advisory Partner, ASP Leader, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4172

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