Regulatory framework (UCITS and AIFs)

Investment funds are one of the major industries in Luxembourg. In the continuity of the previous modules, this course will cover the main regulations applicable to investment funds in Luxembourg and their service providers, with a focus on UCITS and AIFs regulations.

22 January 2025 (EN) - 1:15pm-3:15pm - On site

Price: 410.00 €

Duration: 2h

Language: Available in English and French. The supporting material is only available in English.

Number of participants: up to 20

You are interested in participating in this course but no sessions are currently scheduled? Please contact us and you will be added to our Show Interest list.



By the end of this training, participants will be able to have a general view of the regulations applicable to investment funds and their service providers in Luxembourg.


General introduction:

  • AIFs versus commercial companies
  • Definition regulated versus unregulated structures
  • UCITs

Fund's regulatory framework:

  • Presentation for AIFs of the possible fund vehicles (SIF, SICAR, RAIF) and the usual company forms (S.A., SCS, SCSp). Presentation of the FCP
  • Responsibilities of the service providers (including AIFMD and UCITS requirements)
  • Regulatory documentation in an AIF and UCITS
  • Marketing: AIFMD passporting

Target audience

Any person willing to enter the fund industry world. Any person pertaining to the asset servicing world, willing to understand the regulations applicable to investment funds and their service providers.

Our lead experts

This training is coordinated by Mathieu Scodellaro, Principal at PwC Legal Luxembourg.

Mathieu Scodellaro is a principal at PwC Legal. He is the head of the investment funds department and specialises in issues concerning investment funds, fund managers and the various service providers. Over the last 18 years, Mathieu has assisted numerous international clients in the setting-up, (re)structuring and handling of their organisation or projects. He regularly advises his clients on regulatory issues and in their relationships with the regulatory authorities.

Contact us

Contact details

PwC's Academy, Crystal Park Building, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4040

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