Investment funds - Operational aspects

Investment funds are one of the major industries in Luxembourg. Part of our investment funds series and in the continuity of the module 'Investment funds - Introduction and market data', this course will cover the operational aspects of funds with a fund accounting prism.

22 January 2025 (EN) - 11:30am-12:30pm - On site

Price: 205.00 €

Duration: 1h

Language: Available in English and French. The supporting material is only available in English.

Number of participants: up to 20

You are interested in participating in this course but no sessions are currently scheduled? Please contact us and you will be added to our Show Interest list.



By the end of this training, the participants will be able to understand how to calculate a net asset value (NAV) and surrounding concepts.


  1. What is an investment fund?
  2. Portfolio of assets
  3. Fund structure: umbrella vs single fund
  4. Fund structure: share classes
  5. Asset pooling for funds
  6. Determination of net asset value
  7. Accounting specificities of investment funds
  8. Value of shares/units
  9. NAV calculation – Balance sheet and P&L
  10. NAV per share/unit
  11. NAV errors and circular 02/77
  12. Fund accounting: actor in charge of NAV calculation
  13. Subscription and redemption of fund shares/units at unknown price
  14. Swing pricing

Target audience

Any person willing to better understand operational aspects from a NAV standpoint.

Our lead experts

This training is coordinated by Alexis Bouly, Director at PwC Luxembourg. 

Alexis is a director within PwC Luxembourg and has 15 years of experience in the fund industry. He started his career in the audit of investment funds and has been involved in large scales advisory projects related to investment funds such as fund accounting, transfer agents, fund platform migrations and outsourcing implementations across the globe.

Contact us

Contact details

PwC's Academy, Crystal Park Building, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4040

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