Investment funds - Introduction and market data

Investment funds are one of the major industries in Luxembourg. Through this training, we propose to make a first step into the funds world by detailing some key concepts that can be developed further in other more specific training modules as listed below.

22 January 2025 (EN) - 9am-10am - On site

Price: 205.00 €

Duration: 1h

Language: Available in English and French. The supporting material is only available in English.

Number of participants: up to 20

You are interested in participating in this course but no sessions are currently scheduled? Please contact us and you will be added to our Show Interest list.



By the end of this training, the participants will be able to understand:

  • the concept of investment funds;
  • the key elements to consider in investment funds;
  • how Luxembourg is positioned in the fund industry landscape.


  • What is an investment fund?
  • How it all started? 
  • Key elements and concepts 
  • Funds category by asset types 
  • Fund structures 
  • Market data 
  • Questions and answers

Target audience

Any person willing to enter the fund industry world. Any person from corporate support functions of funds asset service providers willing to better understand their working environment.

Our lead experts

This training is coordinated by Alexis Bouly, Director at PwC Luxembourg. 

Alexis is a director within PwC Luxembourg and has 15 years of experience in the fund industry. He started his career in the audit of investment funds and has been involved in large scales advisory projects related to investment funds such as fund accounting, transfer agents, fund platform migrations and outsourcing implementations across the globe.

Contact us

Contact details

PwC's Academy, Crystal Park Building, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4040

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