Presentation of the Luxembourg regulatory framework applicable to support PFS and specialised PFS

The Luxembourg PFS play a key role in the Luxembourg financial sector. Luxembourg counts more than 170 support and specialised PFS. These figures have rapidly grown over the last decade and have supported the growth of the Luxembourg financial sector. Directly supervised by the CSSF, these professionals are subject to specific corporate and prudential rules and obligations, comparable to those applicable to banks and investment firms.

This training gives learners an overview of the Luxembourg regulatory landscape applicable to support and specialised PFS, including the main obligations and rules to which they are bound.

22 October 2024 (EN) - 9am-12pm - On site

Price: 615.00 €

Duration: 3h

Language: Available in English 

Number of participants: up to 20

You are interested in participating in this course but no sessions are currently scheduled? Please contact us and you will be added to our Show Interest list.



This training focuses on:

  • explaining the key characteristics of support PFS and specialised PFS and the main differences between these statuses;
  • describing the main laws and CSSF circulars applicable to support and specialised PFS;
  • detailing the main prudential requirements applicable to support and specialised PFS;
  • describing the internal governance requirements and organisation framework (internal control functions, allocation of tasks between the Board and the authorised management, etc.);
  • providing an overview of the AML requirements applicable to both support PFS and specialised PFS;
  • presenting the market practices needed to comply with the regulator expectations.


By the end of this training, the participants will be able to:

  • understand the specificities of the support and specialised PFS;
  • understand how the CSSF exercises its prudential supervision;
  • identify the regulation applicable to support and specialised PFS and the main impacts on their organisation;
  • understand the internal governance mechanisms;
  • know the Luxembourg standards and market practices.


  • Support and specialised PFS statuses
  • Regulatory framework applicable to support PFS and/or to specialised PFS
  • Main prudential requirements
  • Applicable requirements in terms of internal governance and internal control framework
  • Key AML requirements applicable to support and specialised PFS
  • Outcomes of the CSSF on-site visits and discussion on the regulator's expectations

Target audience

For Luxembourg support and specialised PFS only:

  • Authorised managers
  • Board members
  • Persons responsible for the internal control functions

Our lead experts

This training is coordinated by Cécile Liégeois, Partner, and Isabelle Melcion-Richard, Managing Director at PwC Luxembourg.

With 23 years of professional experience in Luxembourg, Cécile has developed a deep understanding of the regulations governing banking and investment firms, internal governance, outsourcing arrangements (BPO/ICT/Cloud), and operational/ICT risk management. She leads projects for the implementation of new regulations, focusing on their business, regulatory, and operational impacts.

Cécile also possesses experience in external audits (financial and regulatory) of entities within the financial sector, particularly in the banking industry. Her expertise extends to other professionals in the financial sector, such as investment firms, support and specialised Professional of the Financial Sector (PFS) entities, management companies, and investment funds.

Isabelle is a member of the “Association Luxembourgeoise des Compliance Officers” (ALCO) and of the “Association Luxembourgeoise des Juristes de Banques” (ALJB).

She has more than 23 years of experience in the financial sector in Luxembourg and her areas of expertise include: banks, investment firms, specialised PFS, support PFS, Electronic Money (“EMI”) and Payment Institutions (“PI”), Luxembourg banking regulations, internal governance requirements, licencing and notifications.

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Contact details

PwC's Academy, Crystal Park Building, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4040

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