GDPR essentials (e-learning)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is certainly the most significant personal data legislation in the past 20 years. Do you want to get an overview on this regulation and avoid compliance breaches and their resulting fines?

PwC's Academy is constantly evolving towards a more digital learning approach. We aim to empower our learners to adapt the learning experiences to their own pace.

Our GDPR essentials course consists of small, bite-sized courses, enriched with 12 engaging videos which break down larger and more complex topics into interactive modules These provide learners with a unique learning experience.


This module is also available in French: "RGPD : les fondamentaux (e-learning)".


We deploy our e-learning solution as from 10 licences.

  • From 10 to 50 participants: 100 EUR;
  • From 51 to 150 participants: 95 EUR;
  • From 151 to 300 participants: 80 EUR;
  • More than 300 participants : 70 EUR.

Duration: 60 mins (35 mins interacting with the digital contents of the course + 40 questions to reinforce the learning experience)

Language: Available in English


Learning Objectives

By the end of this training, participants will be able to: 

  • define what personal data and processing of personal data are;
  • understand the key elements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);
  • distinguish data subject rights;
  • identify personal data breaches.


  • Introduction and regulatory framework
    • Motivation for the GDPR
    • Personal Data
  • Key components of the GDPR
    • Key principles relating to the processing of personal data
    • Data Controller & Data Processor
    • Reinforced data subject rights
    • Roles and responsibilities of the DPO
    • Data security
    • Personal data breach 
    • Transfers of personal data outside the EEA
    • Fines/Penalties (EU)

Target audience

Any person interested in Global Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
Our lead experts

Our lead expert

This digital learning has been designed with the support and collaboration of Antonin Jakubse, Senior Manager at PwC Luxembourg.

Since joining PwC, Antonin developed an expertise on the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") as well as in project management skills, delivering various types of projects ranging from gap analysis to implementation, ensuring a timely delivery of the project and a high level of engagement of all involved stakeholders. He is the solution driver for the privacy (incl. GDPR) topics, supporting the partner in charge to develop business relationships with existing and new clients.

Contact us

Contact details

PwC's Academy, Crystal Park Building, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4040

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