Administration of alternative investment funds - Administration and management

AIFs vehicles are becoming increasingly popular in the Luxembourg marketplace.

Although this asset class was already represented in Luxembourg with several vehicles in the form of UCI or unregulated vehicles, the recent trends have highlighted to local administrators and depositaries that ALT investments are an asset class with totally different features and risk factors requiring specific skills and specific operational processes.

In this context, PwC's Academy is pleased to offer this dedicated training designed to provide Luxembourg professionals with a comprehensive overview of the latest industry trends, as well as a thorough analysis of sector-specific issues and best practices.

Price: 1435.00 €

Duration: 7h

Language: Available in English

Number of participants: up to 20

You are interested in participating in this course but no sessions are currently scheduled? Please contact us and you will be added to our Show Interest list.




By the end of this training, the participants will be able to:

  • identify the nature and purpose of the AIF industry;
  • identify the valuations methodology and related accounting impacts;
  • understand the life cycle of an AIF and related accounting entries;
  • understand the operating/accounting flows within an AIF; 
  • gain a basic understanding of legal and regulatory aspects, including the different types of structures/funds available in Luxembourg and their features; 
  • describe the requirements in terms of disclosure in financial statements for the different Luxembourg structures.


1. Understand the Luxembourg environment and how it fits into the European landscape

2. Understand the main features of the ALT industry, its main strategies, actors and stakeholders

3. Administration of AIFs

  • Supervision of investment and divestment transactions
  • Key phases of a transaction
  • Key terms of a share purchase agreement
  • Accounting impacts

4. Supervision of assets

  • Investment in operating companies
  • Investment in underlying private equity funds
  • Specificities of mezzanine debt instruments

5. Valuation of investments

  • Accounting valuation rules
  • Valuation guidelines
  • Recognised methodologies
  • Accounting issues

6. Specific accounting and control issues

  • Capital accounts
  • Management fees
  • Preferred return/carried interest
  • Cumulative loss and clawback provisions
  • Income

7. Luxembourg GAAP framework and compliance requirements

  • Financial statements and disclosures
  • Consolidated accounts vs. statutory accounts
  • IFRS considerations
  • Publicity and filing of financial statements

Target audience

  • General partners and their employees
  • Heads of administration, accounting and finance departments and their teams
  • Sales and customer relationship managers
  • Custodian officers
  • Compliance officers and internal auditors dealing with private equity and venture capital vehicles
  • Professionals of the financial sector involved in the management and/or administration of private equity and venture capital vehicles

Our lead experts

This training is coordinated by Déborah Prijot, Partner at PwC Luxembourg.

Déborah is a partner in the audit department. Since joining PwC in 2005, she has gained experience in different industries. In particular, she has developed a strong set of skills in auditing alternative investment funds (including debt funds, infrastructure funds and fund of funds).

She is actively supporting PwC Luxembourg's alternative group. She is currently focused on private equity clients through the audit of several private equity funds and structures organised under various legal forms.

Contact us

Contact details

PwC's Academy, Crystal Park Building, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4040

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