PwC People - Key Statistics

With over 3000 people (as of January 2020) employed from 75 different countries, PwC Luxembourg is the largest professional services firm in the country.

Diversity and inclusion matter to us as we see it as an essential element for our own sustainability. No matter how much technology develops the way we work, people will always be at the heart of how we do business. We believe, the greater the diversity, the greater the creativity, problem-solving abilities and expertise.

*Headcount (1 for 1)

Each employee is recorded for 1 unit (whatever the working time). All part-time employees are considered as one unit like full-time employees. Trainees are excluded.

**Exchange Contract

Employees assigned from another country on a long-term basis, generally between 6 months & 2 years but expected to return to their original location at the end of the assignment.

Short-term assignments are not included in our social report

This material references Disclosures 102-7 and 102-8.

Contact us

Lieven Lambrecht

Managing Director, Head of Human Ressources, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 1